Don’t forget to EAT…

Wedding day pro tip: don't forget to EAT. Honestly, it sounds basic, but so often couples get to 10pm and realise they're existing off a canapé or two and probably too much champagne. That’s a recipe for disaster, both later on in the night, and for your head the next morning. To make sure you've got the stamina to see the night through, here's a few sneaky tips from me to you:⁠

🍔 Have food available to snack on while you get ready. Perhaps you've got an aunt who loves cooking, otherwise I love using one of the amazing grazing box options we have in Perth! They'll drop the box to you that morning, deliciously packed and ready to lay out for allll the snacking!⁠

🍔 Is food circulating to your guests while you get photos taken? Chat to your on the day coordinator about keeping aside some canapés or a grazing plate for you both for when you arrive at the reception!⁠

🍔 Make sure you include time for eating in your run sheet. This is particularly important if you're having a roving food service and not a sit down meal! ⁠

🍔 Do you tend to get carried away chatting? Put one of your bridal party on food watch, and ask them to gently interrupt you to bring you to the bridal table for a meal. ⁠⁠

As with so many things, having a plan just makes everything flow, and means you won’t be doing a 1am Maccas run in your wedding dress (AND you’ll get to taste all that delicious food you’ve planned and paid for!)

Happy planning (and snacking!) xx⁠


Wet Weather Plan B


Take some time just for the two of you